Jiu-jitsu : A Healthy Obsession.

Jiu-jitsu is therapy pt. 2

 Triangle Choke

There’s a famous (ish) quote floating around the internet somewhere (and one that we've quoted before) that just one hour of Brazilian jiu-jitsu training is equal to that of 100 hours of therapy, or was it 1000? Regardless of the numbers and without getting too hippy-dippy about it, I’d have to say that there is some real truth to that statement.  


Strenuous exercise alone is a known stress buster and has been “pescribed” by doctors in the west as an alternate antidepressant medication for some time now, and in terms of exertion you’ll be stretched to find a more rigorous workout than some hard grappling, especially at the beginner/intermediate level where for lack of technique you will be constantly trying to muscle your way out of bad spots.  However there is a separate component to jiu-jitsu and submission grappling that creates a workout on a completely different level to that of an hour just pumping weights or pounding your feet on a treadmill. The cerebral aspect of jiu-jitsu creates a need for real focus and the need to be completely immersed in each session, or at least as much as possible is a must if you want to improve. Anecdotal evidence alert - Over time I genuinely believe that this can improve your overall focus, thought processes and even brain function, it certainly feels like it has for me.(*Warning - this martial art will consume your thoughts, you will think about it, dream about and become completely obsessed! ) 


If you want to improve and learn good technique there are of course elements of repetition as there are with any sport, but you will also eventually get addicted to the drills as you can feel your body adapting to the movements and your skills sharpening as your jiu-jitsu gets smoother and more in flow. This aspect of the art I find is also a form of meditation in itself and requires complete focus. I’m sure that you’re starting to notice a pattern here, the constant reminder for the need to concentrate and focus isn’t meant as an instruction. You will find it completely natural, I know this from personal experience as I am the worst of the worst when it comes to getting distracted. I even sit here now writing this article in a coffee shop as a precautionary measure to insure I don’t find ways to procrastinate around the house. With me, the few things that put me right in the moment and keep me there effortlessly are jiu-jitsu and my artwork.


Rolling or sparring is perhaps the deepest state of flow that you will experience during your training. So much so that eventually you will be able to do this for an hour or so non-stop, without feeling overly exerted or at least not noticing that you are until you stop. This for most people is the most enjoyable part of their training, it’s really good fun and with a good Uke (training partner) it can be as playful or as tough as you like. 


For many people the sparring part even feels natural, think back to a time when you were a kid and you’d wrestle and play fight with you siblings or friends. Because of this, rolling is perhaps the closest aspect of the art that relates to the quote that we opened up the article with. It’s addictive, a healthy obsession so to speak that will put you deep into the present moment and keep you there for as long as you choose (or as long as your cardio chooses!). For that moment in time all your problems in the real world will dissolve as you are left with no other choice but to focus on the job at hand. The seductive nature of sparring will draw you in and for many practitioners will become the main focus of their training. On this note I can’t stress enough important it is to drill, drill and drill some more. There are aspects of your game that will certainly improve from rolling but I can’t emphasise the importance of learning solid technique and repeating them in drills until you can use them successfully on a fully resisting opponent. 


As you have probably guessed I have grown a real passion for grappling and I could probably just keep on typing. However for now, I am going to leave it with this statement. If you haven’t started BJJ yet, go and find yourself an academy and try it out. You won’t be disappointed. And if you are already training then keep showing up and keep drilling!

Improve your fitness, improve your mind and improve your life. Do jiu-jitsu. Oss!

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